We’re Back In Nature’s Overdraft, Again…
July 29th 2021, marked World Overshoot Day, the date each year in which we have used up as much natural resource as the Earth can regenerate in one year. This date is a rather stark and clear-cut view on our overconsumption of the resources Earth provides. We are borrowing from the future. As with your bank overdraft, that debt will come knocking.
The Biggest Day in Climate Change (Yet…)
Yesterday was one of the most pivotal days in the climate battle. Shell, Chevron and Exxon all faced repercussions of their actions with shareholders and courts all giving them a kick to make drastic changes. It could be one of the most important days in the fight against the Oil and Gas Industry…
Can we rebalance our politics to better represent Economy, Society and Environment?
Voting for the environment is almost a throwaway vote - yet not voting for it feels like betraying my actual opinions. From my point of view, it feels like the system needs an overhaul.
Resetting our Natural Baseline
If we can find a way to think outside of our preconceptions, we can begin to imagine a wilder world. We can rewild the world.
The Year Gaming Levelled Up
In the past year, gaming has become a salvation to not just us usual gamers, but many of those that might’ve viewed us with those stereotypes.
Is There Life On Mars?
Perseverance is on a mission to find signs of life on Mars, but that begs the question: What would we do if we found it? How would it change our perspectives?
Caught in the Web
Berners-Lee launched the World Wide Web but it’s been misused. Data harvesting has become the digital gold-rush. Data sovereignty is his solution.
Stop Waste, Collaborate and Transition.
The folks at Circle Economy analyse every detail of our material economy each year. Last week they published their latest annual report, the Circularity Gap Report 2021. Our world is 8.6% circular but we can increase it and in the process create a liveable climate, planet and society for all.
Glazing into our Future
I’m sure you are well aware of the fact that our current societal set up is flawed. This is where the Doughnut model seeks to help - by visualising a nation’s health.
History Has Its Eyes On Us
A Happy New Year to you all and welcome to the Year 2021! It feels like this year history does indeed have its eyes on us all. We’ve got an opportunity to build back better. To craft a world in which our descendants can look back at us with gratitude, not disappointment.
Fight, for the Right, to Repair.
‘Right to Repair’ is an important part of a transition towards a more circular future. Remember that time when you dropped your iPhone and arrghhh, the screen has cracked. You know what this means, you either get Apple to repair it themselves for an extortionate amount, or buy a new phone for probably not far off that price.
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My name is George Wyeth. I’m a 2020 product design graduate from the University of Sussex, and it was time to put some of that degree to use!