STARK UK Intranet
The sale of the UK Building Materials Distribution business from Saint-Gobain to STARK in Mar 2023 kicked off a year-long separation programme. As technology migrated, a need arose for an interim intranet solution for all 7000+ STARK UK colleagues to continue to access important information once access to the Saint-Gobain intranet was lost.
As an interim solution that will be integrated into the wider STARK Intranet in the future, it was important to pull through some of the taxonomy and functionality that users will see carry into the future. This helped direct some of the design choices, such as the menu headings and the page hierarchy.
Working closely with members of the UX team, the Business Change team and Comms teams, both internal and external, allowed us to design and develop this modular intranet in just 2 months. Despite the technical limitations and short time-frame, the resulting Intranet received positive feedback from many of the teams using it for being much cleaner, and easier to navigate than it’s Saint-Gobain predecessor.
Robust, modular design system
Time and technical restraints meant that pages could not be made bespoke with the quantity of data requiring porting from the old Saint-Gobain ecosystem. Therefore, I designed a modular design layout that could flex based on what types of components each function required, and how much content each had to fit. Part of this process required stakeholder engagement for them to fill out a form with what content they needed to be ported.