Season Two George Wyeth Season Two George Wyeth

S2 Ep 2: Familiar Past [Skeuomorphism]

Today, George and Pablo delve into Skeuomorphic design - Concepts derived from previous design generations. Confused? So were we! Listen in while we discuss skeuomorphism’s history, it’s effect on design today, and the future!

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Season One George Wyeth Season One George Wyeth

S1 Ep 9: The Wilder Side

This episode marks the exciting event of George completing his Undergraduate thesis. Joined by Pablo, they explore the world of Rewilding, Biodiversity and MOSS - and how it all relates to design and the product that George has created!

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Season One George Wyeth Season One George Wyeth

S1 Ep 8: What’s on the Desk?

Many of us spend a huge amount of time sitting at our desks, but have you ever really looked around and questioned what’s on it and how it’s evolved with you through your life? Well, that’s what Pablo and George are doing on this episode.

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Season One George Wyeth Season One George Wyeth

S1 Ep 5: The Connected World [IoT]

In this episode, George and Pablo discuss the Internet of Things: What it is, what it does and how it's changing the world. From smart homes to smart cities, they cover the development of IoT technology, it’s future, and it’s numerous drawbacks.

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